Die 3 berghütte Schleife

On this very popular walk you will reach the “Sabbioni” dam first. Then walk along the artificial lake to reach the “Claudio e Bruno” mountain hut with a small elevation gain. The trail will then start a steeper ascent towards the “3A” mountain hut at 2960 m a.s.l. (The highest point of the loop). The last leg will be a fast descent towards “Busto” most of the time walking on unmelted winter snow ending with a easy walk through the sandy highland.

  • Routen-nummern: G41-G39
  • Dauer: 4h
  • Schwierigkeit: T2+
  • Auf-/Abstiege: ↑ 500m - ↓ 500m
  • Länge: 9km